ENGAGED to Stimulate Financing Europe’s Green Transition

ENGAGE strives to create a future-proof data and innovative funding framework for energy efficient mortgage and home renovation financing, making sustainable energy investments more attractive to private investors and aligning them with the EU’s sustainable finance policy.

By addressing the complexities in navigating the EU Taxonomy Regulation and its derived legislation, ENGAGE’s Green Investment Portal (GIP) aims to help financial institutions check that their mortgages and home renovation loans are in line with the Taxonomy.

Standardised, harmonised & comparable sustainability data combined with credit information

Adequate ESG risk assessement* at micro- & macro-level

State-of-the-art financial technology solution - the ‚Green Investment Portal‘ (GIP)

Increased investments in energy efficiency projects in Europe

Energize Society With Sustainable And Reliable Energy Systems!

Analysis and assessment of the relevant regulatory requirements on sustainable finance to identify the key data to report the energy efficiency of home loan renovations and green mortgages.


ENGAGED to Create a Future-Proof Funding Framework

The ENGAGE solution proposes a single data disclosure format for mortgage and home renovation funding and regulatory purposes encompassing the most relevant European ESG regulations such as the EU Taxonomy, the EU Green Bond Standard, and the Energy Performance Buildings Directive (EPBD).

  • Standardised, harmonised & comparable sustainability data combined with credit information.
  • Adequate ESG risk assessement* at micro- & macro-level
  • State-of-the-art financial technology solution – the ‘Green Investment Portal‘ (GIP)
  • Increased investments in energy efficiency projects in Europe

The ENGAGE framework for energy efficient mortgages and renovations will create transparency through the translation and application of the relevant sections of the EU Taxonomy and forthcoming Energy Performance Buildings Directive (EPBD) into the Dutch and Spanish national building and real estate lending practices that will ultimately contribute to standardisation of innovative and decarbonisation-targeted capital markets financing transactions.


To receive the ENGAGE Templates, lending institutions are required to complete a simple access request form available via the ENGAGE for ESG websiteOnce the request is processed, the applicant will receive the Templates and supporting documentation via email.

In a 30-minute meeting, the ENGAGE Team will walk you through the nuances of the ENGAGE Templates and demonstrate how they will help lending institutions identify the relevant climate-related data to align their mortgages and home renovation loans with the EU Taxonomy in line with the Technical Screening Criteria of the Climate Delegated Act for the economic activities of acquisition and ownership and renovation of real estate.

Sign the ENGAGE agreement to receive the sample data submission files. A specific legal framework has been prepared for the safe and lawful processing of data.

Complete the ENGAGE Templates and submit your mortgage sample file to the ENGAGE Portal.

Receive the ENGAGE report on EU Taxonomy compliance.

Improving The Performance Of Solar Energy.


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inventore veritatis et quasi architect.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing eos qui ratione.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing eos qui ratione.

inventore veritatis et quasi architect.

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