Streamlining the Alignment of Green Mortgages & Energy Efficient Home Renovation Loans with the EU Taxonomy
The ENGAGE Portal aims to stimulate energy efficiency investments by combining standardised and comparable sustainability data with credit information, allowing for adequate ESG risk assessment at micro- and macro level.

About us
for ESG Activation Investments
The ENGAGE project, funded by the European Union, is working towards reaching the EU’s energy efficiency and climate objectives. Our goal is to:
- Provide clarification and standardisation to the European real estate lending market via the development of a dedicated data template that comprises critical fields needed to assess the alignment of mortgages and home renovation loans with the EU Taxonomy and other relevant regulations. s
- Address the complexities in navigating the EU Taxonomy Regulation and its derived legislation by creating the ENGAGE Portal to help financial institutions check the alignment of their mortgages and home renovation loans with the Taxonomy.
- Facilitate the creation of a European sustainable finance ecosystem that allows for analysis, integration, and reduction of risks for energy efficiency investments across the European Union.
in the Loop
Join the ENGAGE mailing list to remain informed about the latest project updates, regulatory developments, and upcoming events relevant to the project.

EBA Report on Data Availability and Feasibility of Common Methodology for ESG Exposures
On 24 February 2024 the European Banking Authority published a Report assessing the availability and accessibility of data related to environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks, as well as the feasibility of introducing a standardised methodology for identifying and qualifying credit exposures to such risks.

First European Commission Omnibus Simplification Package
The European Commission (EC) presented the first Omnibus package on 26 February 2025, which aims to provide substantial simplification in the field of sustainability and EU investment programmes.

ENGAGE for ESG Featured in El Economista’s Digital & AI Journal
ENGAGE for ESG Featured in El Economista’s Digital & AI

ENGAGE Contributes to the Platform for Sustainable Finance’s Call for Feedback
ENGAGE Contributes to Platform for Sustainable Finance’s Call for Feedback

Navigating the Green Transition: Recent Regulatory Updates in EU Sustainable Finance
Navigating the Green Transition: Recent Regulatory Updates in EU Sustainable