The ENGAGE Roadmap - June 2023

The ENGAGE Roadmap is the first public project deliverable and aims to present the added value of ENGAGE in the regulatory and business framework, highlight the issues it can tackle, and clarify the areas that will not be in focus during the project.

Over the three-year project duration, the ENGAGE Consortium will focus on developing standardised data disclosure templates and taxonomies for mortgage and home renovation loans in line with the most relevant European regulations, starting with the EU Taxonomy Regulation. The templates will be operationalised through the ENGAGE portal.

Considerations stemming from other sustainable finance regulations like the SFDR or the EU GBS might also be added to the disclosure regime at a later stage of the project. 

This document outlines the key concepts and results of the ENGAGE project and aims to:
a) Introduce a comprehensive, high-level picture of the ENGAGE project framework in its regulatory and business context; and
b) Depict the organisational, legal, and technical bedrock for ENGAGE results.

For the above purpose, the regulatory landscape in the EU and the role that ENGAGE can fulfil against that background will be outlined, as well as the issues it can mitigate for key stakeholders.

Design considerations relating to the templates will be addressed, as well as the high-level description of the key elements that will be taken into account for the development of the portal and an overview of the pilots’ roles.